Dolphins Pacific


Program Educational Program
Participants Student in Palau
Program Description In order to preserve the natural environment of Palau forever, we believe that it is important to give environmental education to children who bear the destiny of the future on their shoulders. We personally consider Dolphins Pacific as a facility for the children of Palau to learn about the preciousness of life and the natural environment. The world is flooded with information from television and Internet, but we intend to provide these programs believing in the importance of learning how precious life is by coming into contact with dolphins.

Following the request made by the Ministry of Education of Palau we will be providing programs for environmental education to primary schools. Children shall be invited to the facility by classes and they are to learn as many things as possible as part of their extracurricular lessons. At the same time staff members (Educators) will also be dispatched to schools to give classroom lecture on environmental education.
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Program Career Praticum Program
Participants Student in Palau
Program Description Seniors and juniors from Palau High School take advantage of an excellent workbased activity program made possible by the Ministry of Education. The program in itself allows high school students the opportunity to be placed in a business environment and learn the various aspects of the operations. An opportunity for a student to experience the "real world of work" to see how in school learning is used on the job, practice skills learned in school in the actual work place, and talk to people in the industry.

Dolphins Pacific is pleased to recognizesome of the students that have come to be a part of our family.
■Ms. Bernadette Daniel - PHS Class of 2002
■Ms. Grace Abraham - PHS Class of 2003
■Ms. Imengel Louch - PHS Class of 2003
■Ms. Beverly Chaareg - PHS Class of 2004
■Ms. Jesserette Darrow - PHS Class of 2004
■Ms. Pearlyn Ngiriou - PHS Class of 2004
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Program Job Shadow
Participants Student in Palau
Program Description Is a career learning experience that takes place at private and government agencies. Its about half a day (6hrs) where the student follows a worker during atypical day at work to observe and ask questions about his/her work. The students also completes written assignments that will help them record and understand more about the things the've observed.

Dolphins Pacific is pleased to recognize a student that has come to be a part of our family.
■Ms.Veronice Trolii - PHS
■Ms. Velma Godwin - PHS
■Ms. Nicole Ngirmekur - PHS
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Program Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP)
Participants Student in Palau
Program Description A summer program which gives students a chance to learn while having fun and earn some money during the summer break. Dolphins Pacific was given the opportunity to be involved in this program in 2003. Four great and enthuastic students came to us and walked away with more knowledge on marine mammals and its environment.

We like to recognize our students and thank them for their contributions.
■Mr. Rolel Toribiong
■Ms. Meila Kual
■Ms. Nicole Ngirmekur
■Ms. Amorita Godwin

Our Morita Scholars from St. Johns school gladly contributed their time and energy and volunteered with our students.
Thank You Scholars -
■Mr. Derek Emesiochel
■Mr. Usong Tekei
■Ms. Zena Rengulbai
■Mr. Jun-ichi Techitong
■Ms. Dolly Rechucher
■Ms. Nikita Espangel
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Program Summer Marine Awareness Program(SMAP)
Participants Student in Palau and in the world
Program Description Summer program at Dolphin Bay is an experience, fun under the sun and in the water while learning about marine life. The program runs for 5-days for eight consecutive weeks for children 8-15 years of age.

Summer Themes ------
■2002 - "Fun in the Sun"
■2003 - "Marine Awareness"
■2004 - "Watch Your Waste"
■2005 - NO SMAP
■2006 - "Marine Awareness"
■2007 - "Dolphin Bay Adventure"
■2008 - "Caring for our Environment"
■2009 - "Palau's Tradition and Eco Life"
■2010 - "NO SMAP"
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